It's just been non-stop excitment, optimism, and magical peace love vibes around here lately. Am I blowing your mind with my hippie-ness? I think I may be blowing my own mind. Okay except for that one thing that filled me with so much rage I couldn't stop shaking or chattering my teeth for an hour and had me wide awake until 5:00 am fuming with magically ruthless angry vibes. Or that thing this afternoon that had me considering the relief that might result from connecting my fist to a particularly nutso person's face.
But other than that TOTAL 100% Magical Peace Love Vibes TM!!!
So yeah. There are lots of exciting things on the horizon, we have tentatively relaunched a new design on the gardening site (lots yet to be implemented), tomorrow I get to take some "me" time to make a stop at my local organic farmer's market, a weekly ritual that has over the years become one of my most loved activities, I attended a meeting for a possible food co-op opening in my neighborhood, I have been attending meetings and participating in building a new community garden in my neighborhood, the forecast says warmth and sunshine this weekend, Davin and I are taking a fun class on Saturday, I can get started on my gardens, and I feel like I've turned a huge corner in my personal development as a human being.
Not too f-ing or effin'* bad for one week.
*Oh yes and I've taken to using f-ing or effin' (can't decide on a spelling) lately because it allows me to swear even more while freaking less people out.
Song: "(What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love, and Understanding" by Elvis Costello. Probably a given.