Friday, January 5, 2007     « Abandoned (Glove and Houses) »


I'm not really done with the holiday stuff but they are all black and white and I need some colour today no matter how muted and dull.

The background of this image shows a series of abandoned houses that I found on a walk just before **The Holidays**. I originally found them while diverging off-path to photograph the puffy carousel seen in the distance through an alley. I found all kinds of gems while walking towards the holiday monstrosity but at the time I only had my digital camera on me -- not at all the right camera for the day. I took a few snaps just to remind myself to go back and while doing that was interupted by a local guy who thought I was press. We chatted and he told me that these houses have been abandoned for over a decade! At the time the land owner was planning to build condos and a stink was raised by the neighbourhood. He kicked the tenants out in preparation but was told by the city that minor changes to his plans had to be made. He didn't want to make those changes so instead took off leaving the houses and properties abandoned all of these years.

I took several pictures that I am yet to scan and probably better show the full scene, but I wanted to post this image because 1. I am in love with gates and 2. I am also interested in poles that are covered with gloves. I see this a lot around this city and others I have visited. I am guessing it is done to either display lost gloves or protect people from fences that have lost their caps (if they're planning to hop over but don't want to be cut by bare metal).

Sometimes when I am out walking I am most interested in these little details. There are so many little subtle ways that we communicate with one another. Things we understand and do collectively and unconsciously yet we all kind of get in some way. Things like, if you find a lost glove put it somewhere high where it can be seen.

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