Wednesday, November 22, 2006     « Crushing Quiet »

Not sure if this takes away or adds to the image, but this window is part of a senior citizens home. I am always drawn in by the madness of the curtains and the bird decals -- peaceful and chaotic all at once.

I intended to post this morning but the day got away from me. It was a tough one. I am very tired which does not necessarily equal a full night's sleep. Insomnia is new to me -- beginning for the first time in the spring of 2004 -- coming and going depending on a whole host of things. It is the result of a mind that won't slow down when I push against lingering fears. It makes sense. I would never take sleeping pills to shut it off but prefer to work through it. But still... it would be nice to have that automatic guarantee of a restful sleep.


Arg. Sorry this darn thing is breaking up my layout a bit. Crap.

While I'm messing with the layout in an unfortunate way I might as well get more annoyingly self-promotional and add a few tidbits. I've got some photos in the soon-to-be-published "State of the Arts: Utopia 2" book (published by Coach House books). The launch party is this Sunday Nov 26 at The Gladstone Hotel starting at 2pm. The images are part of an article on photoblogging.

I wrote an article for the first issue of the new and improved JPG magazine for their new "My Precious" section. Check the entire issue out online (my article starts on page 10 and includes 3 pictures)! I am super excited and can't wait for the issue to arrive in print form.

« Crushing Quiet »