Things people said in documentaries I watched recently:
I caught a couple of minutes of a documentary on Canadian documentary filmmaker Allan King the other night. In it he talked about the first showing of "Come on Children" (1973). At the end the audience was uncomfortably silent. He said about it,
"I felt like I had shat on the floor of the room. I was completely devastated by that. And that's why I quit making documentaries."
It made me sad to hear that. "Come on Children" is one of my very favourite documentaries and a fairly honest portrait of youth. I know that making a film is a really hard road and to get that kind of reception would be hard to swallow. I have felt that kind of lonely silence before so I get it but still... which is why I think it's important to find value in the things you do outside of the opinions of others.
Yesterday I caught a bit of The Clash documentary "Westway to the World".
"I quickly realised that you either become a power or you are crushed." - Joe Strummer