Thursday, March 9, 2006     « Untitled (Yellow Snow) »


Thankfully we do not have this kind of snow here. I think Stratford is in the snow belt so boy was I shocked when I got off the train from nearly bare sidewalks to MASSIVE snow drifts. I felt like a real tea suckn'* city slicker with my completely inappropriate "winter" attire. In all fairness even I don't understand the crazy women who try to navigate drifts in heels (actually I swore off heels in grade 7 so I don't "get" the concept of heels regardless). All that snow sure came in handy for the photo-taking though. It was nice to drop in, take some photos of clean, white mounds (minus the yellow snow you see in this pic) and then go back to snowless, easy-to-navigate streets. Thank you pollution for giving us the gift of a climate altered by at least 1/2 a zone!

That said, I am giving a presentation tomorrow morning at Canada Blooms on the topic of Guerilla Gardening. I am very nervous but also excited as it is an opportunity to bring up and hopefully discuss some thoughts that have been swirling around in my head lately regarding the potential that the act of gardening holds to evoke both personal change and beyond. I'm a little pissed with myself because I had the opportunity to challenge some conventional ideas about gardening in a public forum a week ago and I did not rise to the occassion. I have got to get used to the fact that being an outsider is a position that holds a lot of value. Playing it safe rarely does anyone any good.

*Overheard many years ago in the middle of the night, by a scary guy, at a truck stop, deep in the Pocanos on a road trip to Atlantic City. Mind you here in Canada a good many of us like our tea, city dwellers or not.

Today's Song: I've kinda been listening to the same stuff over and over simply because I'm too busy to play albums or make a new playlist. I'm still listening to my January playlist!

"Easy Way Out" Elliott Smith. I like the way he expresses hostility towards the person in question, despite whether it is a third person or himself. The second verse is great.

« Untitled (Yellow Snow) »