Busy weekend, busy day. I got too much sun on Saturday while out perusing garage sales on bikes with my brother and had to forego the 120 Challenge. The first sale was an All-Street sale just west of here. It was awful! I know yard sales are about selling off your crap, but there's crap and then there's CRAP. And a whole street of utter CRAP is just kind of depressing. I mean, these are people who own houses in a fairly affluent neighbourhood and yet they were selling dollar store garbage for the same price they paid for the stuff. Come on! I also overheard some catty neighbourhood gossip which made me a bit uncomfortable. The second street sale was better. The mood was light, people seemed to be enjoying themselves and the prices were appropriate. The best thing I got was a newer model Polaroid Spectra2 for 2 bucks. It works but I've had the film in the fridge for over five years so there wasn't enough juice left to push even one photo through the camera.
Saturday night was the Spacing Issue 4 launch party. I could not remember what I had contributed and was pleasantly surprised by the Be Seeing You photo which looks terrific printed.
Sunday was the annual Herb Fair. The Renaissance theme was mega-lame, and there were a lot less vendors than in the past (no 13 varieties of basil for me this year although I probably have about 7), but we had a very successful turnout of YGG people and I enjoyed myself surrounded by fellow plant geeks and people repeatedly putting their hands to their noses to smell the herbs. Later I went across town to Little India with two YGG friends. The light was great and the street was hopping with music and families easting dosas and bbq corn from street vendors. Sakura took this hilarious photo of me intently contemplating a white pomegranate. I did buy it and it turned out to be the worst, most under-ripe pomegranate ever.
Today I spent the better part of the day gardening. I know that sounds like fun, but it was hard, manual labour-type-stuff and I'm pretty beat. Plus there were smog and heat alert warnings. The cat does not like this hot weather/bad air business and is certain we're responsible. I need these plants to hurry up and get big so we can have a little oxygen-rich refuge from the toxic air.