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The Leonard: Hometown Tour
Taken with Great Wall DF-

My guy Davin and his pal Ross have launched Making Room, "...a magazine about the process, intention and results of image-making." There's interviews, articles and galleries. I'm most excited about the interview with Phil Bergerson. It's fancy. Plus there's a contest so you can win stuff.


The entire I Have a Dream Speech


I started a Flickr Group called "Box Camera Revolution", for sharing box camera photos and general box camera conversation.


Check out the crazy film that was in my Kiev88 back when it arrived. It didn't have any kind of tape for sealing it at the end of the roll but luckily Davin is working on a photographic project that involves stickers so he had some in his bag. The backing paper was like construction paper. I can't wait to see what's on it. The new back seems a little "unsteady" in the winding department. I had to load and unload the film three times to get it loaded properly. Oh well.

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