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The Light on the Door
Taken with Great Wall DF-

I already posted one today but shit why not. Don't miss the other one though because it has an important message.

More stuff: My guest post on orbit1 | Me captured by Chris | The Expanding Chair & Cart Gang | i love photo


A shitty thing happened today. Mr. Risk went out to pick up some film from the place that develops my film. I had five rolls of 120 and a roll from the Horizon. Well when he came back and I opened up the boxes of film I was shocked to discover five rolls that were not taken by me; five rolls of people dressed in costumes. I was horrified! If I have costume picture person's photos then who has mine? So long story short Mr. Risk went all the way back, and they gave him five rolls that looked to be mine... except two of the rolls were completely blank! They claim that was my fault but there is no way in hell because the rolls were shot in between the other rolls on the same day using the same fucking camera. Grumble.

Other than that I had a good day. That bad mood from last week that was still sort-of lingering is turning. I'm excited by the film that did come back. Life is good.

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