Another August, another trip to the C.N.E. Unfortunately I had work to do and stuck around too long, leaving just as the rain started to drizzle. It never did rain just got really cold and grey. My early evening photos are boring (no idea about film shot yet) because of the flat sky but around 8:00 I met up with Zach and Emily and the sky suddenly turned to magic. There was actually a night-time rainbow, something I have never seen or imagined was possible. Then the sky turned to flames and finally dark with ominous clouds as seen in the photo above.
A conversation:
"What's that? Oh wait, do you put the camera on top of that?"
"No that IS the camera."
Ponders for a moment. "I don't get it."
"It's a pinhole camera. It's essentially a box with a hole instead of a lens and there's some film inside. "
"I don't get it."
"It's a camera that doesn't have a lens."
"Huh? So it takes old pictures?"
"Well I'm taking the pictures right now so they're not old. But they do have a distorted, strange look about them."
"Okay cool."
See also C.N.E:
2002: Pocket DV
2003: Pinhole | Bee | Pocket DV | Coffee | Elephant/Hilbilly | Kiddie Ferris Wheel | Cotton Candy Popcorn | Hot Ice Cream Waffles | Bingo
See Feel Think Concession Gallery