The Spartus folding camera turned out to be a bit of a dud. Turns out it takes eight rectangular photos on a roll like every other box camera and not square photos as the square viewfinder would suggest. It has crazy light leaks. Most of the roll is messed up in a not-so-great-kinda-way. I do like the dirty specs all over the negative though. I didn't bother to try and clean that up. Maybe I should give it to the cat to chew... a great post-processing technique if it weren't for the harmful chemicals. Someone should make "chewed by cat" photoshop actions.
I might try a roll of black and white in this camera. If I do I'll put some tape over the film counter at the very least.
Well it sure is pretty regardless. But I have rules (albeit slack ones) regarding shelf sitters.
The conversation. Also an excellent movie.