I wasn't going to post today but then I checked my stats. The search queries for this site are endlessly entertaining. It's most likely because I write about a variety of topics. Lately I've been getting searches for "Sierra California Grill", the "California-style" restaurant we went to on our suburban tour a month or so back. I imagine people looking online for a menu or a review of the restauarant and coming upon my site. Hilarious!
But today, there was a search for Faith Charlton, one of the "scurrying hostesses with headsets" who took our order. I suppose a search result on one's name that ended here might freak a person out a bit (although I'm positive those name tags were fake). And of course now that I've posted about all this a second time I'm guaranteed to move up from my current #3 placement in google which will assure more traffic here from the Sierra California Grill set.