I love Pesto! I thought that was a pretty genius name to choose. I saw "Focus" yesterday and deeply regret that I didn't bother to photograph it. I also love this building. It reminds me of Sesame Street.
Tonight I'm going to hang photos for my first offline photo showing. I'm happy with the framing. The frames are beautiful. The photos are nice, but not what I would have chosen ideally. They are floral images and while I obviously love plants, it is the photos I show here that are currently the most representative of me. At this specific moment in time they mean more to me than the plant images do.
What bothers me most is my reaction to this process. I have found a million excuses to endlessly fuss and frett over the details. I have burned myself out with the stress of it and have put hours of labour into getting it right. I specially designed little tags for the back and tags for the wall. Yet I have found two million reasons to convince myself this is not a big deal and not worth getting excited about. I haven't told anyone about it. I'm sure I'll hang them, frett about it for a bit and then forget about it until it is time to take them down. Fucked up.