Birth. My mother (the queen of tact) says that when I came out, I was so fair skinned she didn't think I was hers. I'd be inclined to believe in a hospital switcheroo if it weren't for that damned physical resemblance.

Ten. Suzi Quatro's little sister.
True story. I was with my mother at Russel's Hair Salon, the tackiest place in town. In the waiting area they had toys for the kids. My mother saw a Barbie she liked and had the stylist give me the same cut. It doesn't look
TOO bad in this photo but let me tell ya it was hovering on the cusp of a female short-long.

Twenty. I think it's safe to say I was all sorts of intoxicated when this photo was taken.

Thirty. You can't see it in the photo but a grey streak is developing on the front left side.