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Drawer in Salvation Army furniture section

I've discovered a new trend in thrift shops. Every once and a while a procession of like items will start making their way out the doors of residents and into the thrift stores. At one point it was the pink bedazzlerTM machine. Another popular item was the electric yoghurt making machine (People you really only need a thermos to make perfect yoghurt). Crimping irons could be found by the bin full a few years ago.

Now the trend is old computer parts and cell phones. I can't believe how many not-so-old printers, speakers, and old Macs were at the Salvation Army the other day. The cellphones were neatly assembled in a row beneath the glass of the display case. I can't figure out what anyone would want with the old cellphones or why they would need to be specially housed inside the glass display but...

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